Winter holiday 21/12 - 6/1 Please send you samples before 13/12. Already started tests will run and be monitoring during this period. Go to contact and support
Test services

Standardized tests tailored to your needs

What are your needs? We have extensive expertise in what OEMs require and the standards they demand. With our 1200 square meter laboratory and Technical knowledge, we assist in conducting tests on-demand. We are happy to suggest equivalent or design test methods.

Corrosion testing & Surface analysis

With over 20,000 completed projects, we have extensive knowledge and understanding of the challenges and issues our customers face. Our mission is to facilitate the process of finding and conducting tests that meet the established requirements from OEMs. We specialize in corrosion testing and surface analysis within our main area of focus, OEM and Automotive requirements.

We conduct testing according to more than 300 methods & standards. You can read about our test process by clicking the links below or by downloading PDF-file.

We can be your “internal” laboratory

We can recommend the right test, and also customize test methods based on your needs. Contact us and let us know what you need, and we will deliver the right solution for your requirements.

Service Level – Your choice

At our facility, you have the freedom to choose your own service level. We understand that every project is unique, and to provide optimal customer experiences, we have developed various service tiers. Regardless of the level you choose, you can always expect a high-quality delivery from us.

Please choose your level of service before sending the samples, and make sure that the right service is written in the returning contract sent by your designated test engineer. If you are satisfied with the offer and the included Normal Service, you don’t need to do anything but to send the samples.


You can at any time after the project started order additional services as per below.

Does not apply to IKEA customers
For IKEA customers, Service Level 4 – agreement applies.

Scroll horizontally to see everything.
1st priority
[Service ++]
offered price
+350€ **
[Service +]
offered price
+200€ *
offered price
Yearly updated

* or 5% of the price offers >4900 euro; ** or 7,5% of the price offers > 4900 euro
The order registratorn and report delivery time do not apply to holidays.

Pre-ordered services

(confirmed in Test Contract)

Order registration <24h 1 day <3 days CUSTOMIZED
Start of project First in line Group 1 Group 2
Report ddelivery after finished test(s) <24h 4 days 8 days
Time saves compared to normal project delivery ~ 3 weeks ~ 1 weeks


(requested after project start)

Prioritized report delivery within 24h + 200 € + 250 € CUSTOMIZED
Send intermediate results prior to final report + 50 € + 100 €
Extra evaluation [+ nominal evaluation cost] + 100 €


Mail when goods arrive CUSTOMIZED
Preconditioning of samples
Mail when test starts
Mail when test ends
Standard report
Designated laboratory engineer
Feedback and explaining the results
Possibility to visit the lab
Test Schedule [test standards dependant] Test Contract Test Contract Test Contract Test Contract

Technical sales and support

Support – Requests and standards CUSTOMIZED
Offer Corrosion & Surface Testing

Methods and requirements

We offer a comprehensive and continuously expanding lab-scope of over 300 available test methods and standards.

Read more

Laboratory and equipment

Cotec Labs provides a 1200 sqm laboratory facility. Take a closer look at our laboratory
and equipment.

Read more

Quality and certificates

We are accredited by Swedac and part of the international accreditation network ILAC.

Read more

Additional services

Cotec Labs is more than just a traditional laboratory. We are a global testing center and production-oriented knowledge hub. This means that we can also assist you with education, further analysis, and guidance on how to meet established requirements from OEMs.

Analysis –
We will find your solution

Why doesn’t the product result meet the requirements?

We help you analyze and investigate what has happened and provide suggestions for solutions to address the problem. As a customer, you gain a deeper understanding and knowledge within the field.

When do you need analysis?

  • Your product is facing a non-standardized problem
  • The surface show something you don´t expect
  • Something the eye cannot see
  • Failure and defect Mode Analysis
  • Root-course investigations
  • Microstructure Analysis
  • SEM/EDS Chemical Mapping

Let our experts help you!

We analyse what’s on, behind and enclosed in the surface. Find out more by contacting us.

Contact us

Education – Increase your knowledge

We provide education and
training at all levels

We offer education for procurement professionals, product specialists, quality experts, and R&D professionals in the areas of corrosion, corrosion protection, and surface treatment. We provide education and training at all levels – from basic to highly advanced.

Increase your knowledge in corrosion protection

Would you and your company benefit from increased knowledge in corrosion protection? Contact us for prices and more information.

Contact us

General Terms and Conditions

This document describes the general terms and conditions for the courses conducted by Cotec Labs (Excl. “Certified Surface Finisher”).

Download General Terms and Conditions here:


Our training courses

Basics of coatings & corrosion

The basic course covers topics such as why certain materials corrode while others do not, what types of surface treatments are available, and what are their advantages?

For more information and registration, please contact

Where & How

Video on demand





Customized Training

Design your own training program tailored to fit your company’s needs. A smart and cost-effective way to increase the knowledge level of your employees in the field.

For more information and registration, please contact

Where & How

At your place, here, or other choice of location.


Swedish or English


Any level you choose

Corrosion Protection Training

Learn how to prevent damage and understand the mechanisms that cause corrosion under operating conditions. A comprehensive course in corrosion.

Where & How

Teams, spring -2025 (tbd), 2 days





Certifierad Ytbehandlare

En heltäckande utbildning inom ytbehandling. Uppdelad i 4 fristående kurser där du därefter kan avlägga prov och certifiera dig.

För mer information och registrering,
vänligen kontakta

Where & How

Se specifika kurserna


Swedish / Svenska


Från grund till medel

Öppen Utbildning – Ytbehandling grund

Vi har nöjet att erbjuda en öppen grund-läggande utbildning i elektrolytisk ytbehandling. Denna kurs körs i regi av SC Activities AB och kräver inga förkunskaper. Den riktar sig till både utförare, köpare och slutanvändare av ytbehandling. Kursen kan också tillgodoräknas som en del av utbildnings-paketet Certifierad Ytbehandlare (kurs 1 av 4)

För mer information och registrering,
vänligen kontakta

Pris: 4800kr per person

Where & How

Coteclabs Bankeryd, våren -2025 (tbd), kl 09:00 – 15:30


Swedish / Svenska



Öppen Utbildning Ytbehandling – fördjupning, material & processtyper

Vi har nöjet att erbjuda en öppen fördjupad utbildning i ytbehandling. Denna kurs körs i regi av SC Activities AB och är en fristående fortsättning på kursen Grundläggande ytbehandling. Den riktar sig till både utförare, köpare och slutanvändare av ytbehandling. Kursen kan också tillgodoräknas som en del av utbildnings-paketet Certifierad Ytbehandlare (kurs 2 av 4)

För mer information och registrering,
vänligen kontakta

Pris: 5100kr per person

Where & How

Coteclabs Bankeryd, 15 januari kl 09:00 – 15:30


Swedish / Svenska


Grundläggande – Medel